The Writer’s Carnival

posted in: Writing | 6

While cavorting through the blogosphere, I keep a tarsier’s eye out for sites of, by and for the people with a love for the written word. The Writer’s Carnival is all that and more. It is one of the most … Continued

Booklust and Booklists

posted in: Reading, Tips | 7

The love affair started in the aisle of a Tasmanian supermarket. I gravitated towards the bookracks, circumnavigating the attractively displayed toys and made a beeline for the Children’s Book Section and picked out my first Golden Book. Thereafter, every week … Continued

Space to Write

posted in: Tips, Writing, Writing Space | 7

Bathtub. Closet. Refrigerator carton. Hanging bridge. Up a tree. Empty cage at zoo. Rocking chair while breastfeeding. Confession box at the Cathedral of Notre Dame. These are just some of the places I have written in. Invariably, my first thought … Continued